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Register now! LIPP-Symposium 2023

07.12.2023 – 10.12.2023

LIPP-Symposium 2023: "Small Languages on the Big Stage"
7–10 December 2024

The upcoming 29th LIPP Symposium will shine a spotlight on what are commonly referred to as "small languages." This includes minorities, migration languages, indigenous languages, or the non-dominant variations of larger standard languages.

Despite the diverse nature of this subject, "small languages" often are struggling with similar challenges, including the pursuit of political recognition, the need for documentation, description or revitalization efforts.

This year's LIPP Symposium at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is dedicated to these languages and their unique sociolinguistic contexts. The primary goal is to provide these "small languages" with a big stage  – a plattform – for researchers at all career stages, students, and all other interested individuals. This platform offers an invaluable opportunity to delve into these languages, fostering discussions similarities, differences and overarching themes within the realm of "small" languages.

Registration is open until 30 of November.

For more information, visit:
Contact: symposium2023[at]