Class of Language

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The Class of Language is one of four classes of the Graduate School Language & Literature Munich (GS L&L). It was established in 2002 as Linguistisches Internationales Promotionsprogramm (LIPP) and offers a program for doctoral candidates of all linguistic disciplines at the LMU.

The systematically structured program addresses highly qualified graduates from Germany and abroad who wish to obtain a doctoral degree within three years in a research-oriented and interdisciplinary doctoral program. Professors from 13 linguistic disciplines represent a broad and inter-related range of theoretical positions, methodological approaches and practical orientation.

The Class of Language provides:

  • a research-oriented and systematically structured interdisciplinary syllabus
  • an individual and intensive advisory support for doctoral candidates
  • a variety of opportunities for exchanges among doctoral candidates, professors and international visiting scholars
  • the opportunity to jointly organize international conferences with other doctoral candidates
  • funding for international research stays and conference trips
  • the possibility of pursuing a binational double doctorate through the procedure "cotutelle de thèse"

The dissertation projects are dedicated to cross-linguistic and language specific issues (synchronic and diachronic), to discourses and texts in their institutional contexts and to the social effects of language.