Bülow, Lars
Prof. Dr. |
German Philology |
Lars.Buelow@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Demiraj, Bardhyl
Prof. Dr. |
Albanian Studies |
demiraj@lrz.uni-muenchen.de |
Dufter, Andreas
Prof. Dr. |
Romance Philology |
dufter@lmu.de |
Elsen, Hilke
Prof. Dr. |
German Philology |
hilkee@lrz.uni-muenchen.de |
Hackert, Stephanie
Prof. Dr. |
English Philology |
Stephanie.Hackert@anglistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Hackstein, Olav
Prof. Dr. |
Historical and Indo-European Languages |
olav.hackstein@lrz.uni-muenchen.de |
Harrington, Jonathan
Prof. Dr. |
Phonetics |
jmh@phonetik.uni-muenchen.de |
Hoole, Phil
Prof. Dr. |
Phonetics |
hoole@phonetik.uni-muenchen.de |
Kaplony, Andreas
Prof. Dr. |
Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies |
andreas.kaplony@lmu.de |
Kersten, Saskia
Prof. Dr. |
English Philology |
s.kersten@anglistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Lenker, Ursula
Prof. Dr. |
English Philology |
Ursula.Lenker@lmu.de |
Lindner, Katrin
PD Dr. |
German Philology |
Katrin.Lindner@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Merlan, Aurelia
PD Dr. |
Romance Philology |
Aurelia.Merlan@romanistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Mumm, Peter-Arnold
PD Dr. |
Historical and Indo-European Languages |
mumm@lmu.de |
O'Neill, Paul
Prof. Dr. |
Romance Philology |
P.ONeill@lmu.de |
Paciaroni, Tania
Prof. Dr. phil. |
Italianistik/Romanistik |
tania.paciaroni@romanistic.uni-muenchen.de |
Restle, David
PD Dr, |
German Philology |
David.Restle@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Riehl, Claudia-Maria
Prof. Dr. |
German as a Foreign Language |
riehl@daf.lmu.de |
Rowley, Anthony
Apl. Prof. Dr. |
German Philology |
bwb@kmf.badw.de |
Rupp, Eckart
Dr. |
German Philology, Psycholinguistics |
eckart.rupp@lmu.de |
Schallert, Oliver
PD Dr. |
German Linguistics |
oliver.schallert@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Schimke, Sarah
Prof. Dr. |
German Philology |
sarah.schimke@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Schmid, Hans-Jörg
Prof. Dr. |
English Philology |
hans-joerg.schmid@anglistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Schütze, Hinrich
Prof. Dr. |
Computational Linguistics |
Shagal, Ksenia
Prof. Dr. |
Finno-Ugric Studies |
ksenia.shagal@lmu.de |
Sonnenhauser, Barbara
Prof. Dr. |
Slavic Philology |
barbara.sonnenhauser@lmu.de |
van Ess, Hans
Prof. Dr. |
Sinology |
vanEss@ostasien.fak12.uni-muenchen.de |
Wanzeck, Christiane
PD Dr. |
German Philology |
ch.wanzeck@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Waxenberger, Gaby
Apl. Prof. Dr. |
English Philology |
Gaby.Waxenberger@anglistik.uni-muenchen.de |
Wolf, Johanna
Prof. Dr. phil. |
Italianistik/Romanistik |
johanna.wolf@romanistik.uni-muenchen.de |